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Health and Safety statement 2022

Deadline Flooring sets and maintains a high standard of safe and healthy working conditions.  Our statement of general policy in accordance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities, so far as is reasonably practicable

  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment

  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health

  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.

Deadline Flooring requests the co-operation of Sub Contractors working for Deadline Flooring in observing our Safety Code and comply with our health & safety policies which will assist them in facilitating the safe execution of their work.

This statement should be read in conjunction with Deadline Flooring’s generic method statement, risk assessment statement and environmental policy statement.

Mrs. Emma Perren is responsible for the overall Health and Safety of DeadlineFlooring.

Sub Contractors are also reminded of our Health and Safety Policy.
All have the responsibility to co-operate and achieve a healthy and safe work place and to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and others.

Mrs. Emma Perren should be informed of any Health and Safety problems straight away or the person in charge of safety on site.

Mrs. Emma Perren will be responsible for carrying out safety inspections, investigating accidents and the monitoring of plant and equipment.

Mrs. Emma Perren will be responsible for the reporting of accidents and dangerous occurrences as defined by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 and as necessary ensure such occurrences are submitted to the HSE.

A First Aid box is available in the vehicle and must be kept stocked. Any items used must be notified and will be replaced. The main fitter on site must report accidents or near miss incidents to Mr Godwin.


Mrs. Emma Perren will be responsible for training in Health and Safety procedures and will advise on any specialised problems concerning solvent based or flammable adhesives.

All Sub Contractors should be aware of our safety requirements:-

1. Barrier Cream and Gloves – to avoid skin infections from adhesives and screeds.
2. Goggles to prevent eye contamination.
3. Hi-Viz Vests.
4. Dust Masks – to avoid inhalation of dust from screeds and subfloors.
5. Respirators – to aid breathing where there is inadequate ventilation.
6. Ear Defenders.
Particular emphasis is placed where solvent-based adhesives are used.
7. Strictly NO SMOKING – Smoking is forbidden on site during the installation of floor coverings.
8. Safety Shoes and Overalls – should be worn.
9. Safety Helmets – these must be worn on building sites.

Hazard sheets together with Manufacturer’s guidance sheets are available. Manufacturers are very keen to offer advice concerning any of their products.  Deadline Flooring has identified a range of hazards of a general and specific nature which could cause harm within the workplace. Specific hazards are contained within the generic risk assessment statement which should be read in conjunction with this policy statement.

All sites must be kept clean and tidy at all times and all waste to be cleared away after each day. All materials must be stored safely. Cones will be used to indicate wet or slippery floors and areas to be cordoned off from the public if and where necessary. Wherever practicable gangways and exits to be given for access. Stepladders and scaffolding must be properly secured before use and used strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions. Rooms should be given adequate ventilation when using solvent-based adhesives and the public informed and if possible evacuated from the area.

Electric Equipment
Each fitter is responsible for inspection of plugs, cables and loose connections and faults. Any faults found must be notified immediately to Mrs. Emma Perren or to the Hire Company.

All equipment must be used in accordance with the Manufacturer’s instructions. Equipment must be checked before use.

Dangerous Substances
Hazard data sheets are given on all adhesives and screeds that are used. (90% are classed as non -hazardous).

Mrs. Emma Perren should be informed of lack of safety equipment or hazards which occur on site.

Safe Working Methods
Risk assessments are undertaken with the objective of reducing the risk of injury or illness in the workplace to a minimum. Pace Contract Flooring has produced a generic risk assessment which identifies the main hazards which may occur on any projects, the risks associated with those hazards and the preventative procedures in place to reduce or eliminate the risk of injury or loss associated with those hazards.

Method Statements
To comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 contractors must produce and work to a comprehensive written “method of work” statement. If at any time during the execution of the task it is found that it is necessary to deviate from the prepared and agreed method statement; information must be made available immediately before the task is continued, and agreement by the Safety Advisor, employer/client or his agents obtained.  Deadline Flooring has produced a generic method statement for the main activities and operations performed.

Environment Policy
It is the aim of Pace Contract Flooring to use products which are “friendly” to the environment wherever possible.  Any waste generated by Pace Contract Flooring in the course of its activities/operations will be disposed of via a reputable trade waste organisation.

Mrs. Emma Perren; Deadline Flooring
April 2008; Updated 2022

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